Thursday, February 21, 2008

Lesson 5: Watching K-drama Videos For Free on the Internet

The internet is a great resource for free stuff. You can get all sorts of stuff for free legally and illegally in equal measure. General information and popular media are widely abundant and easy to find. But, if you are looking for something very specific and obscure you might need a professional (like me) or some friend of yours who spends 90% of their time in front of a computer on the internet. You could try to find it yourself, but this would be the equivalent of counting beans, watching grass grow or separating your two ply toilet paper as seen in the "Master Savers Video" below. Figure out how valuable your time is before you start. Today's post is about finding Korean Drama videos on the internet. Am I saying not to buy the actual DVD's? No, ofcourse not, buying something means that you are making an investment, therefore consider this research. Also, having the actual DVD's gives you the advantage of better quality and owner status. It's kind of like collecting card's; you can't really swap cards with your friends if your cards only exist on the internet. One reason why I want to publicize K-drama's is because of the emphasis on money that they put in their shows. Japanese drama's are great too! This particular video that I have attached is from the Japanese drama Yamada Taro Monogatari. I put a clip here because it shows a great grocery shopping scene. The story is about a really poor guy who everyone thinks is rich. In the video he is competing for a very cheap beef steak so that he can have a barbeque with his family. He has been trainning with a master bargain hunter (that lady with the thick glasses) and his other friend. This show, among others can be watched at a wonderful site called My Soju (warning: make sure you have good time management skills before visiting any video site)

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