Monday, February 18, 2008

Lesson 2: A tip from your Waiter

Actual tips begin at 4min and 58 seconds. I like the clip because it's entertaining not because I agree with everything he says. It's great to see someone being real about issues in customer service. Watch out for the foul language if you are offended by that sort of thing. One thing to never be stingy on is a server's tip. Unless the worker was a complete butt head, a 15% tip is required. Why? you say... "I could be getting away with so much savings if I shave off this 15%." Yes, you are absolutely right, but essentially that would make you the butt head kicking a man/woman when he or she is down. A person working for petty cash taking care of people's demands all day should get a gratuity. I find that it is far better to establish a good relationship with an eating place so that you can become a repeat customer. Repeat customers usually are given free food as a token of appreciation. It is a good idea to target family owned restaraunts where the owner is present.


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